Monday, April 8, 2019

Broadside Poster

Our Typography 2 class is collaborating with SDSU’s English and Comparative Literature Depart- ment on this Poem Broadside project. Our goal is to successfully design a given poem in a creative and conceptual manner utilizing the broadside format. Poetry International, an organization who publishes poetry anthologies, is also involved in this collaboration. I incorporated using photos and typography. The poem I chose was me thinking about my dog and trying to showcase him and integrate him in to the poem.

The learning outcome:

• Expand critical thinking through conceptual and contextual exploration.

• Learn more about print and web typography through research, theory, and practice. 

• Develop a broadside with a focused purpose and targeted goal.

• Create and develop visual form in response to communication problems, including principles of visual organization/composition, information hierarchy, symbolic representation, typography, aesthetics, and the construction of meaningful images.

• Describe and respond to audience and context, communicate solutions that address physical, cognitive, cultural, and social human factors that shape design decisions.

• Present work that demonstrates perceptual acuity, conceptual understanding, and systems thinking (including grids—modern and post modern—and proportional systems).

• Explore digital application of conceptual typography; solve inherent legibility challenges.

• Understand and solve the challenge of working with congruent Type + Image relationships.

The poem of choice
Some Drawings to create ideas
Some Drawings to create ideas

Different Variations

Finding Placement for the Type

Finding Placement for the Type

Once I came up the final idea was trying to make the background seem more realistic
This was with a carpet background
This was with Grass as the background
Grass background with using him in different sizes
Using hardwood floor as the background
After blending the grass around him to make it look like he was in the grass and not floating.
These are the final results
Black and White
The final one in color

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Project 1 Book Cover Famous Couples

In this project we were tasked with creating a book cover using iconography. We were not allowed  use the actual pictures/icons of the people themselves. We had  to represent them indirectly by associating the characteristics of their relationship with inanimate forms or shapes, in a meaningful composition. We started the project with creating a summary about the couple along with some photos of the couple. Then we wrote 10 adjectives with each person individual then them as a couple. The next step we needed to try and create icons using those adjectives. Once we figured out the icons we were using we needed to unify them in a way. Once we figured out the unification we created the front cover. After we got the logo on the front cover we created the whole cover and added typography to it. Once it was complete we had a critique which in the end we came to a final item.

The Final One after the Final Critique

The last one for critique before the final cover was due

Just the cover for the front of the book. Including the final icon and examples of typography

Some of the icons drawn on sketch paper to be able to use for the book cover

Making icons using the adjective words in order to be able to understand how to create  the icons you are going to be using for your book cover

Creating adjectives for your couples. Finding and creating unique ways the characters are used to represent what type of personality they have.

A synopsis of the characters and some photos that represent them as a whole.